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Quiz – Assessing Your Leadership Style

Leadership Styles

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Leadership Style Quiz


This quiz will give you insight into your own personal Leadership Style. It’s not foolproof but will give you an idea of the direction to look in.

For each statement, choose the answer that best describes how you would typically behave in a leadership role.


  1. When making decisions, I prefer to:


A) Make decisions on my own and expect others to follow.

B) Seek input from the team and make a collective decision.

C) Inspire and motivate my team to drive change.

D) Establish clear goals and reward those who meet them.


  1. I believe a leader should primarily:


A) Maintain strict control and authority.

B) Serve the needs of their team members.

C) Provide freedom for the team to work independently.

D) Adhere to rules and procedures closely.


  1. My approach to motivating my team is to:


A) Set high standards and lead by example.

B) Build strong personal bonds and ensure team harmony.

C) Encourage continuous learning and personal growth.

D) Paint a compelling vision of the future.


  1. In terms of delegation, I tend to:


A) Make all key decisions myself.

B) Delegate tasks and empower my team to take ownership.

C) Provide guidance but let the team take the lead.

D) Ensure tasks are completed by following established processes.


  1. When it comes to handling team conflict, I:


A) Step in immediately to resolve it.

B) Mediate and facilitate a collaborative resolution.

C) Inspire team members to overcome differences for a greater cause.

D) Expect team members to resolve conflicts themselves.


  1. My leadership style can be described as:


A) Directive and controlling.

B) Participative and inclusive.

C) Visionary and inspirational.

D) Results-oriented and performance-driven.


  1. In a crisis, I am most likely to:


A) Take charge and issue direct orders.

B) Collaborate with my team to find the best solution.

C) Stay calm and guide my team through inspiration.

D) Rely on established protocols and procedures.


  1. The best way to develop my team is to:


A) Provide clear instructions and closely monitor their work.

B) Foster a collaborative environment and build trust.

C) Challenge them with new opportunities and support their growth.

D) Set clear expectations and reward good performance.


  1. When new ideas are proposed, I typically:


A) Make the final decision after considering the risks.

B) Encourage open discussion and team input.

C) Inspire and support innovative thinking.

D) Evaluate them based on established criteria and protocols.


  1. My primary focus as a leader is to:


A) Ensure tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

B) Support the personal and professional growth of my team.

C) Lead the team towards a transformative vision.

D) Achieve short-term goals through incentives and rewards.



Count the number of times you chose each letter (A, B, C, D).


Answer A


If you answered A for questions 1, 5, 7 and 10 then your leadership style is likely to be Autocratic. You prefer making decisions independently and maintaining strict control over your team.

If you answered A for questions 1, 4 and 8 then your leadership style is likely to be Transactional, especially if there was also a mixture of D answers. You focus on clear goals, performance, and rewards.

If you answered A for questions 1 and 6 then your leadership style is likely to be Pacesetting. You lead by example and set high standards for performance.


Answer B


If you answered B for questions 1, 5, 6 and 10 then your leadership style is likely to be Democratic. You value team input and make decisions collaboratively.

If you answered B for questions 2, 5, 8 and 10 then your leadership style is likely to be Servant. You prioritise the needs of your team members and support their development.

If you answered B for questions 3 and 6 then your leadership style is likely to be Affilitative. You emphasize building strong relationships and team harmony.


Answer C


If you answered C  for questions 1, 3, and 9 then your leadership style is likely to be Transformational. You inspire and motivate your team towards achieving a shared vision.

If you answered C for questions 3 and 10 then your leadership style is likely to be Visionary. You lead with a compelling vision of the future.

If you answered C for questions 4 and 8 then your leadership style is likely to be Coaching. You focus on developing your team members’ skills and abilities.

If you answered C for questions 4, 6 and 9 then your leadership style is likely to be Charismatic. You use your personal charm and influence to inspire your team.


Answer D


If you answered D  for questions 3, 4, and 5 then your leadership style is likely to be Laissez- Faire. You provide your team with autonomy and freedom to work independently.

If you answered D for questions 2, 7 and 9 then your leadership style is likely to be Bureaucratic. You adhere closely to rules and procedures.

If you answered D for questions 2 and 10 then your leadership style is likely to be Strategic. You align team efforts with long-term strategic goals.

If you answered D for questions 4, 6 and 8 then your leadership style is likely to be Delegative. You delegate tasks and allow your team to take ownership.


Situational Leadership: A mix of all choices, as you adapt your style based on the context and needs of the situation.


Use these insights to reflect on your leadership style and consider how you might adapt or refine your approach to achieve the best outcomes for your team

To read a more in-depth article on Leadership styles click here

Suzanne Powell

Suzanne Powell

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